
责任、救济、 & 提示

ACTFL 2024水平标志颜色

ACTFL is pleased that you will be participating in the program at the 2024 ACTFL Annual 公约 at the Pennsylvania 公约 Center in Philadelphia, PA, 11月22 - 24. 你们将为我们所知的强大的, 信息丰富的, 还有激动人心的会议节目. 我们期待在费城见到你!


  • 2024年7月17日:早鸟报名截止日期
  • 2024年8月23日: 由于(e)而导致的演示者信息的任何更改.g. 所属单位、电子邮件地址、取消、更换演讲者等.)
  • 2024年9月13日:提交演示者协议
  • 9月13日, 2024: Register for 公约 and be a member of ACTFL or one of the convention partner organizations (take advantage of the Presenter Rate!)
  • 2024年10月25日: Order any additional AV by this deadline for discounted rates (applies only to session and paper presentations)
  • 11月11日, 2024: Order any additional AV by this deadline for standard rates (applies only to session and paper presentations)
  • 2024年11月18日:上传任何讲义到准备室
  • 查看下面的演示提示,媒体包和ACTFL 2024 PowerPoint模板!


Please view the presenter responsibilities document and see our tips for presenting below. 再次感谢您的参与.



  1. 点击下面的登录按钮,或者
    1. 在线会议计划.
    2. 点击 登录.
    3. 点击 主持人签到.
  2. 登录 with your ACTFL Online user credentials (you cannot be logged into both the ACTFL website, emotionsamsara.com,以及在线会议计划)。.
  3. 你会在准备室看到你的演示清单. 下面会有一个蓝色的链接,上面写着“上传讲义”.
  4. You must upload a PDF file (Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint files cannot be uploaded) by 周一, 11月1日8, 2024,如果您希望在会议之前提供给与会者的话. Handouts 不会 be made public on the ACTFL Mobile App and 在线会议计划 until the week of 公约 beginning 周一,11月18日, 2024.
  5. 演讲者可以在大会之前、期间和之后上传讲义. Please note that it takes one (1) hour for your handouts to appear in the mobile app and in the 在线会议计划 once you have uploaded them.




This session presentation type will be 45 minutes in length with 10 minutes dedicated to discussion and questions. There may be a single presenter or a lead presenter with up to three co-presenters and should address a topic of interest to attendees in an engaging and interactive format that allows for audience participation within the session.

ACTFL将提供一台LCD投影机, 三脚架的屏幕, 投影仪站, 电源板, 如果房间足够大,请使用讲台麦克风, 还有一个笔记本电脑的音频接口(如果需要),对演示者来说是免费的. If your presentation requires any additional equipment, that must be ordered at your expense. 有关设备租赁的信息将在您的准备室提供.

NOTE: If you will be using a MAC or PC laptop computer or any other device such as an iPad, iPhone, 或不能输出到标准HDMI连接的Surface平板电脑, we recommend that you bring your adaptor (dongle) to connect to our projectors which accepts a standard HDMI connection.

如欲订购其他影音设备,请与我们联络  avservices@freemanco.com. 为了享受折扣,请按时订货 10月 25, 2024. 在此日期之后,您仍然可以订购,但将适用标准价格. 为您的演讲订购额外视听设备的截止日期是 周一,November 11, 2024.

应用型工科 & 研究性论文

应用型工科 & 研究性论文

一篇以实践为导向的论文长度为15分钟, with 10 minutes dedicated to content on a single idea with practical tips and 5 minutes for discussion and questions. These presentations condense information and insight on a pedagogical topic into a shorter format. 本报告应侧重于具体的课堂应用, 活动, 和技巧,而不是一个主题的一般性讨论. 论文将在45分钟的时间内与其他论文一起分组. 因此,演讲者尊重上述时间限制是至关重要的.

研究型论文的长度是15分钟, 有10分钟的演讲时间,5分钟的讨论时间和提问时间. Proposals should address a current and relevant research topic of interest to language educators. Presentations might include a brief introduction about the focus or question of the study, 主题, 研究设计与分析, but the vast amount of time should be spent on results and implications for language learning and teaching. 演讲者应避免阅读论文和/或研究结果, 而是用一种吸引人的形式来展示研究成果. 论文将在45分钟的时间内与其他论文一起分组. 因此,演讲者尊重上述时间限制是至关重要的.

ACTFL将提供一台LCD投影机, 三脚架的屏幕, 投影仪站, 电源板, 如果房间足够大,请使用讲台麦克风, 还有一个笔记本电脑的音频接口(如果需要),对演示者来说是免费的. If your presentation requires any additional equipment, that must be ordered at your expense. 有关设备租赁的信息将在您的准备室提供.

NOTE: If you will be using a MAC or PC laptop computer or any other device such as an iPad, iPhone, 或不能输出到标准HDMI连接的Surface平板电脑, we recommend that you bring your adaptor (dongle) to connect to our projectors which accepts a standard HDMI connection.

如果您的演示需要任何额外的视听设备,必须通过联系订购,费用由您承担  avservices@freemanco.com. 为了享受折扣,请按时订货 2024年10月25日. 在此日期之后,您仍然可以订购,但将适用标准价格. 为您的演讲订购额外视听设备的截止日期是 2024年11月11日,星期一.



圆桌会议 are 45-minute oral presentations and discussions with a group of 10 people seated around a common table in a designated area of the 展览 Hall. 由于总共只有10把椅子,所以每张桌子不能超过两(2)位演讲者. 同时会有多个圆桌会议.

Roundtable presentations typically are 30 minutes of presentation followed by 15 minutes of discussion and feedback. 圆桌会议 are an ideal format for networking and in-depth discussion on a particular topic. Presenters are encouraged to present their latest research or project in an engaging and interactive way.

如果演示者使用笔记本电脑进行演示, 它必须使用电池供电,因为没有电源插座. ACTFL将不提供手提电脑/电脑. 圆桌会议发言不允许使用额外的视听设备. 虽然我们在会议中心的所有会议空间都可以使用WiFi, 展馆内的WiFi不保证坚固稳定.



An Electronic Poster is an opportunity for presenters to share their research or a project with attendees as they move through the poster area during a 60-minute period in the 展览 Hall. There will be multiple 电子海报 being presented at the same time in the area in the 展览 Hall, and each Poster will have a sign with your poster title hanging on the drape behind your table.

Your laptop must be operating on battery power since electrical outlets are not available (ACTFL将不提供手提电脑/电脑). 不允许额外的视听设备用于电子海报演示. 虽然我们在会议中心的所有会议空间都可以使用WiFi, 展馆内的WiFi不保证坚固稳定.



一定要在周一之前上传你们的讲义, 11月18日, 2024, 如果您希望将它们提供给与会者. 注意:联袂演示者 不会 有资格这么做吗. 请确保所有讲义材料与学习目标相辅相成, 描述, and audience level in the content details you submitted as shown in your online “My Ready Room”.

然后,讲义将在ACTFL移动应用程序和在线会议程序上公布. 请注意,上传讲义后, it takes approximately one hour for the files to appear in both the mobile app and 在线会议计划. You will have the option to upload handouts following 公约 instead of prior to the event if you prefer.


Presenters who cancel their session after agreeing to present or who are a “no show” at the convention may not be considered for a presentation for the following year’s convention.


经委员会审核接受, 不得对您的演示文稿进行实质性的更改. 如果演示者信息发生了变化(例如.g. 所属单位、电子邮件地址、取消、更换演讲者等.),请于日期前通知我们 星期五,2024年8月23日.


所有会议室的演示者都可以使用无线网络连接. ACTFL cannot guarantee the optimal performance of higher bandwidth usage such as streaming video, 变焦, 或者其他聊天应用程序. 此外,ACTFL不能保证所有连接都是安全的. NOTE: 虽然我们在会议中心的所有会议空间都可以使用WiFi, 展馆内的WiFi不保证坚固稳定.


所有的演讲人都必须登记参加大会 2024年9月13日,星期五,否则你的演讲可能会被取消! 演讲者有一个特别的价格, 但你必须是ACTFL的电子下注软件或大会合作组织之一. You can enter this one-time promo code at the time of registering to receive this special rate. Please note that you 不会 be able to register at the full rate and then get a refund for the difference, so be sure you enter the one-time use promo code that was emailed to you to get the special presenter registration rate. This code is only for presenters accepted via the Call for Proposals and is not to be shared with others.


Learn from attendees what you can do to make your presentation more appealing and engaging.

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PDF -文件 表示可访问性


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PDF -文件 会议演讲技巧


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PDF -文件 论文演讲技巧


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PDF -文件 圆桌会议演讲技巧


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PDF -文件 电子海报展示技巧


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PDF -文件 主持人媒体包


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PPT -文档 ACTFL 2024 PowerPoint模板

下载我们的ACTFL PowerPoint模板